Sunday, May 3, 2015

Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Banana bread seems to be the staple for using up old bananas. Our family has this weird but insanely delicious tradition of putting chocolate chips in our banana bread, but after you've had it you
can never go back. This is another great alternative for using up old bananas. And the bananas make it healthy, right? :)

Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Adapted from Your cup of cake

Banana Chocolate Cupcakes

1 box chocolate cake mix
3/4 C ripe bananas, mashed
3 eggs
1/2 C + 2 T. oil
1/2 C milk
2 t vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the cake mix, eggs, oil, milk and vanilla until smooth. Add the mashed bananas and combine. Scoop into cupcake liners and bake for 15-18 minutes. 

Chocolate Ganache

1 C chocolate chips
1/4 C heavy whipping cream

Combine chocolate chips and whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring after each until it is smooth. Dip the top of the cooled cupcakes into the ganache and let it set.

Peanut Butter Buttercream

1/2 C butter, softened
1/4-1/2 C peanut butter
4 C powdered sugar
1 1/2 t vanilla
Milk as needed

Beat butter and peanut butter for 1-2 minutes. Mix in vanilla extract, then slowly pour in powdered sugar. Add milk until it is your desired consistency. Pipe onto cooled cupcakes.
Note: 1/4 C peanut butter will give you more of a caramely taste, and 1/2 will give you more of a Reeses taste. Both are great!

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