Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Salted Caramel Brownie Pie

Last fall there were tons of recipes going around Pinterest using salted caramel. I saw them and they look good, but really? I was very skeptical..... unti
l I tried it for myself. WOW! It was amazing! I love that sweet and slightly salty combination.

1 pie crust
1 box brownie mix and ingredients listed on your box
1 pint whipping cream
1/2 cup caramel sundae sauce
1/2-1 t salt
1 t vanilla
1/2 c powdered sugar

Directions: Put your pie crust in a 9" pie pan. Mix up your brownies according to package directions and pour into your pie crust. Bake for the time given on your box. Pour the whipping cream, caramel sauce, vanilla and powdered sugar into a mixing bowl. Mix for a few seconds until combined. Add in your salt, starting at 1/2 teaspoon and taste. You can add the rest if you feel like it needs it. Beat until stiff peaks form. Spread over your cooled brownie pie and drizzle with caramel. Enjoy!

Sorry, I just loved that picture. I couldn't resist!

Before the cream.


If you have some extra batter you can even pour it into ramekins. 

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