Friday, April 5, 2019

Fourth of July Cake

I love the fourth of July. The fireworks, the food, the camping, and did I mention the food? I love being able to celebrate our wonderful country and eat food. And watch my next door neighbors lighting aerials while eating food.  And making food while eating food. Though food’s great at any time of the year……
I saw this idea on Pinterest  and knew It wasa perfect dessert for this year. The filling is a cream in alternating layers of strawberry and blueberry between white cake. Get it?! It’s red, white and blue inside! I thought I was pretty clever 🙂 Well technically it was pink, purple, and white but you know that’s just how fruit works.

Fourth of July Cream Cake

  • Servings: makes one 6 inch cake
  • Print
White Cake with alternating layers of Strawberry and Blueberry Cream, decorated like an American Flag


  • White Cake mix, made according to package directions
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup strawberries, mashed
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Vanilla Buttercream

  • 1 cup butter
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 Tbsp milk


For the Cake

  1.  Pour the white cake batter into 3-4  6 inch cake pans that have been lined with parchment paper and sprayed. Cook according to directions.
  2. For the cream, beat the whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Divide the cream into two sections and add the fruit to each, mixing well.
  3. Level the cooled cake layers and split each into two. Spread alternating layers of Blue and Red cream between the cake layers and chill for 30 minutes to set.

For the Frosting

  1. Beat Butter for 3 minutes. Scrape the bowl and slowly add powdered sugar, milks, and vanilla. Beat for another 4 minutes until light and fluffy. Spread a thin coat over the entire cake to seal in the crumbs
  2. TO DECORATE: Divide the frosting into 3 bowls. Keep one white, color one red and another blue ( I suggest the Americolor gels). Put the frosting into  piping bags fitted with  Wilton 1 M tips. Take your Blue bag and pipe a star onto the top of the cake. With a spatula scrap from the middle of the star to the right. On top of that pipe a white star and scrape again. Continue 3 more times. Then Complete the row with red. For the next row start with white, then blue, then repeat three more times and continue with white. Continue all the way down the cake and Pipe white stars on top.
  3. Enjoy!

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